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Established in 1955, the Philadelphia Historical Commission identifies and protects the City’s historic resources. The Mayor appoints the commissioners, who are supported by three advisory committees and the commission staff.

You can learn about the commission’s upcoming meetings.

Appointed members

Name Role
Robert Thomas Architectural Historian and Chair
Dan McCoubrey Architect
Emily Cooperman Historian
Stephanie Michel
Representative of a Community Organization
Kim Washington Representative of a Community Development Corporation
Zachary Frankel Real Estate Developer
Franz Rabauer Open Position

Ex-officio members

Name Title Designee
Kenyatta Johnson City Council President Thomas Holloman
John Mondlak City Planning Commission Chair Donna Carney
Alba Martinez Commerce Department Director Kareema Abu Saab
John Mondlak Department of Planning and Development Director Matthew Treat
Basil Merenda Department of Licenses & Inspections Commissioner John Lech
Bridget Collins-Greenwald Department of Public Property Commissioner Erin Kindt
