Service overview
You need a Make Safe building permit to repair a structure that has been marked as unsafe or imminently dangerous. A Make Safe Permit is also called a permit to remediate a dangerous condition.
You can only use a Make Safe Permit to address unsafe or dangerous conditions. Failure to address an outstanding violation could result in fines or the demolition of your building or structure by the City.
The Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) issues this permit.
Other permits
The Make Safe building permit does not authorize any unnecessary renovations or additions. You need separate permits to do additional construction, plumbing, electrical, or other work.
Any removal of 2/3 or more of structural framing members, coupled with the modification of the exterior envelope, shall constitute complete demolition, and will require that the Contractor apply for and obtain a Demolition Permit. This level of extensive demolition work is not allowed under a Make Safe Permit.
Property owners and their authorized agents can apply for this permit. Authorized agents include:
- Design professionals.
- Contractors.
- Licensed expediters.
Permit application
The permit application must include the complete scope of work and current owner information.
- If the property was recently sold, submit a copy of the settlement sheet or deed with the application.
- You must apply for all permits under the legal address established by the Office of Property Assessment (OPA).
A licensed Philadelphia contractor must perform the work except when the project involves an existing one-or-two-family home. Then the work may also be performed by:
- An owner who resides in the building.
- A registered PA Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) who holds a Commercial Activity License.
If the work involves excavation more than 5 feet below the adjacent property, including underpinning, the contractor must have an Excavation Contractor License.
If a contractor is required, they must be named before final payment for the permit can be accepted. The contractor must:
- Have an active license.
- Be current on all City of Philadelphia taxes.
- Have current insurance on file with L&I.
Reports and plans
If your application requires plans, they must follow plan requirements.
The Department will allow an Engineers Report prepared by a Pennsylvania-licensed engineer in lieu of plans. The engineers report must include, at a minimum:
- Description of the scope of work.
- Construction details and conditions including the extent of the structural defects and a timeline of corrective actions and the installation of temporary protections of the public way and adjacent properties.
- A remediation plan detailing the extent of the required removal and replacement of structural components and adequate construction details confirming code compliance.
- Photographs of building conditions and all work areas to support the Engineers Report.
The Department will waive the requirement for an engineer for certain minor repairs only if engineering services are not explicitly mandated in the Notice of Violation. The contractor must fully describe the work and provide associated photos and details. Minor repairs may include:
- Removal of a 1-story shed addition
- Removal of a cantilevered back bay
- Removal and replacement of cornices
- Removal and replacement of up to 10% roof rafters with decking in-kind (narrative must indicate specific rafters to be replaced)
- Removal and replacement of up to 10% floor joists in-kind (narrative must indicate specific joists to be replaced)
- Removal and replacement of non-bearing wall or non-bearing wall in-kind, compliant with the EZ Standard
The Department will require plans if the engineers report does not address the remediation as required.
Supplemental forms and documentation
- Waste Hauler Form
- For alteration projects that require submission of plans.
- Asbestos Inspection Report
- For buildings constructed prior to January 1, 1981 with costs of work exceeding $50,000, but excluding one-to-three-family dwellings.
- Reports shall be accompanied by laboratory sample reports and analyses.
- Structural Design Criteria form
- This form is intended for IBC regulated buildings. Designs under the IRC may note structural design parameters on the plans or engineer’s report.
- Special Inspections documentation
- Duties & Responsibilities Agreement signed by all parties.
- Statement of Special Inspections Schedule with categories and frequency selected.
- Name of licensed Special Inspection Agency qualified for all inspection categories.
- Protection of Property Requirements. A pre-construction survey, monitoring plan and adjacent owner acknowledgment are required where the work impacts an adjacent property. This must include:
- Underpinning work
- Excavation more than 5 feet below the adjacent grade
- Joist replacement of more than 10%
- Excavation within 90 feet of a historic structure on the same or adjacent parcel
Required pre-approvals
Where and when
You need a virtual appointment to apply online using eCLIPSE.
In person
You need an appointment to visit the Permit and License Center in person.
Permit and License Center
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
MSB, Public Service Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Offices close at noon on the last Wednesday of each month.
Fee types that may apply
Filing fee
- For one-or-two-family dwellings: $25
- For all other buildings: $100
This fee is nonrefundable and is applied towards the final permit fee. This fee is not required for permits without plans.
Permit fee
The cost of your building permit depends on your project size and type.
Before applying, review the summary of building permit fees to estimate the cost.
Surcharge fees
- City surcharge: $3 per permit
- State surcharge: $4.50 per permit
- Development impact tax: 1% of total improvement costs for alterations
The development impact tax will only apply to all residential, including multi-family, improvement projects eligible for a real estate tax abatement. For more information on the real estate tax exemption, refer to sections 202 (c) – (e) of the regulations.
Record retention fee
- Per page larger than 8.5 in. by 14 in.: $4
(There is a $500,000 limit for online payments.) (Items paid at the Cashier’s Station will be mailed within five business days.) Surcharges and fees are applied automatically to all credit and debit card transactions. L&I will not accept checks that are missing depository information or are: If your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds: If you renew your license more than 60 days after the due date, you will be charged 1.5% of the license fee for each month since the license expired.Payment methods and details
Accepted payment methods
Accepted payment
Online through the eCLIPSE application
In person at the Permit and License Center in the Municipal Services Building
In person at the Cashier’s Station in the Municipal Services Building
Credit and debit card payments
Checks and money orders
Check requirements
Reasons your check may be rejected
Returned payment policy
Late license payment
You can apply for this permit in person at the Permit and License Center or online using eCLIPSE.
In person
L&I will review your application with an Engineers Report and associated sketches while you wait.
Plans submitted in lieu of an Engineers Report will be reviewed within 5 business days.
If the application is not approved, L&I will tell you what is missing or required.
The applicant must respond to any request for information within 10 business days or the application will be abandoned.
Before a permit can be issued, the contractor must be identified.
Notify the inspector that issued the initial violation that you got a permit and will start work.
For imminently dangerous structures or conditions, work must begin within 10 days after you get the permit. Work must continue until the structure or condition is safe.
For unsafe structures or conditions, work must begin within 30 days after you get the permit. Work must continue until the structure or condition is safe.
You must upload all required documents prior to your meeting.
L&I will review your application with an Engineers Report and associated sketches while you wait.
Plans submitted in lieu of an Engineers Report will be reviewed within 5 business days.
If the application is not approved, L&I will tell you what is missing or required.
The applicant must respond to any request for information within 10 business days or the application will be abandoned.
Before a permit can be issued, the contractor must be identified and confirm their association with the permit.
Notify the inspector that issued the initial violation that you got a permit and will start work.
For imminently dangerous structures or conditions, work must begin within 10 days after you get the permit. Work must continue until the structure or condition is safe.
For unsafe structures or conditions, work must begin within 30 days after you get the permit. Work must continue until the structure or condition is safe.