Before you begin
Make sure you are allowed to appeal and that you are filing your appeal with the correct board. Most violations, notices, and permit denials provide appeal instructions.
Service overview
The Board of License and Inspection Review hears appeals of permits, violations, and notices issued by various City agencies. If you received a denial or notice that says your appeal should go to this board, you can make an appeal.
The Board of License and Inspection Review hears appeals about:
- Police Department firearm permit denials.
- Permits, violations, and notices issued by the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I).
- Some decisions issued by other agencies and boards, including:
- Art Commission
- City Planning Commission
- Public Health
- Fair Housing Commission
- Fairmount Park Commission
- Historic Commission
- Streets Department
- Water Department
The Board of License and Inspection Review does not hear appeals for:
Anyone who has received an eligible notice can appeal, including:
- Philadelphia residents.
- Property and business owners.
- Licensed individuals.
A copy of the decision being appealed must be included with your submission.
Where and when
In-person appeal submission
You need an appointment to file an appeal in person.
Boards Administration Unit
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Municipal Services Building, Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office hours: 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
The office closes at noon on the last Wednesday of each month.
Mailed appeal submission
You can submit your appeal by mail to:
Board of License and Inspection Review
1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Municipal Services Building, Concourse
Philadelphia, PA 19102
BLIR Hearing Location
One Parkway Building
1515 Arch St.
18th Floor, Room 18-002
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Hearings are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See the scheduled dates for hearings.
There is no fee to appeal.
You must submit your appeal to the Board of License and Inspection Review within 30 days of the initial notice. You must submit all appeals using the official appeal form and include the reason for appeal.
The board will notify you of your scheduled hearing date and time when they process your appeal. The hearing may be scheduled several months in advance.
Hearings are conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The board may deliver a decision at the hearing or hold your case for further evaluation.