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Report a Domestic Worker Bill of Rights violation

Philadelphia’s domestic workers are protected under the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights. Domestic workers include nannies, house cleaners, caregivers, and others who provide services in the home.

Employers of domestic workers must:

  • Notify their employees of their rights.
  • Provide their employees with the protections and benefits defined in the law.
  • Keep records that show compliance.

Protections for domestic workers

Employers of domestic workers must:

  • Provide a written contract.
  • Provide meal and rest breaks.
  • Track and provide paid time off.
  • Notify employees of their rights and keep records that demonstrate compliance.
  • Provide two weeks’ notice of termination or two weeks’ severance pay.
  • Provide four weeks’ notice of termination or four weeks’ severance pay to live-in workers.

Employers of domestic workers may not:

  • Engage in discrimination or sexual harassment.
  • Engage in labor trafficking, including keeping personal documents.
  • Engage in workplace surveillance of a domestic worker.
  • Retaliate against a domestic worker for exercising their rights under this law, including making threats around immigration status.

How to file a complaint

If you believe you have experienced a violation of this law, you can file a complaint with the Office of Worker Protections in the Department of Labor.

To file a complaint, fill out and sign the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights complaint form. You can send your completed form to or mail it to:

Office of Worker Protections
Land Title Building
100 S. Broad St., 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19110
